You can check out default config
cfg = {}
cfg.language = 'en'
cfg.permission = "admin"
cfg.Police = {
job = {"police", "lspd"},
checkDuty = true,
required = {
retail = 0,
wholesale = 0
cfg.trapPhone = {
price = 5000,
itemName = "trap_phone"
cfg.commands = {
status = "selldrugs", -- "example" or nil
checkStats = "sd-stats",
addRespect = "sd-addrep",
removeRespect = "sd-removerep",
addSkill = "sd-addskill",
removeSkill = "sd-removeskill",
addMole = "sd-addmole",
removeMole = "sd-removemole",
cfg.Webhook = {
adminCommands = "",
mole = "",
retail = "",
wholesale = "",
cfg.Drugs = {
["meth"] = {price = {retail = 50, wholesale = 25}, maxPriceMultiplier = {retail = 2.0, wholesale = 2.0}},
cfg.moneyType = "cash" -- "cash", "bank", "itemName"
cfg.respectLimit = 10000
cfg.skillLimit = 250
cfg.Retail = {
clientCooldown = 300000, -- in ms
policeAlertChance = 60,
policeAlertOnSale = false,
interestInDrugs = 100,
maxQuantity = 5,
increase = {
respect = 1,
skill = 1
decrease = {
respect = 1,
skill = 1
cfg.Wholesale = {
minimumRespect = 1000,
minQuantity = 50,
maxQuantity = 300,
maxActiveOffers = 10,
pedsArmorChance = 75,
offerCurrentPlayerDrugs = false,
pedsRobberyMoney = {min = 2500, max = 10000}, -- We get the default value of money from the agreed order (the negotiated price of the drug * quantity of the drug + a random value from this setting)
pedsWeapons = {GetHashKey("weapon_microsmg"), GetHashKey("weapon_pumpshotgun_mk2"), GetHashKey("weapon_vintagepistol"), GetHashKey("weapon_knife")},
playerAllowedWeapons = {GetHashKey("weapon_unarmed")},
increase = {
respect = 25,
skill = 5,
decrease = {
notAttendMeeting = {
respect = 50,
skill = 25,
leaveZone = {
respect = 50,
skill = 25,
dontHaveDrug = {
respect = 100,
skill = 50,
attackBuyer = {
respect = 3000,
skill = 100,
failedNegotiation = {
respect = 25,
skill = 5,
receiveMessage = {
unit = "minutes", -- "minutes" or "hours" or "days" or "weeks"
count = 1,
waitingForPlayer = {
unit = "minutes", -- "minutes" or "hours" or "days" or "weeks"
count = 30,
places = {
veh_coords = vector4(-1273.71, -810.19, 17.05, 306.62),
vehicle = "sultan", -- must be 4door
peds = {
{offset = {x = 0.0, y = -4.0, z = 0.0}, model = "G_M_Y_SalvaGoon_03", buyer = true},
{offset = {x = 2.5, y = -4.0, z = 0.0}, model = "G_M_M_CartelGuards_01"},
{offset = {x = -2.5, y = -4.0, z = 0.0}, model = "G_M_M_CartelGuards_02"},
veh_coords = vector4(-810.38, -753.36, 22.09, 268.91),
vehicle = "cavalcade",
peds = {
{offset = {x = 0.0, y = -4.0, z = 0.0}, model = "G_M_Y_SalvaBoss_01", buyer = true},
{offset = {x = 2.5, y = -4.0, z = 0.0}, model = "G_M_Y_FamDNF_01"},
{offset = {x = -2.5, y = -4.0, z = 0.0}, model = "G_F_Y_Families_01"},
veh_coords = vector4(-1539.91, -583.33, 33.34, 215.11),
vehicle = "washington",
peds = {
{offset = {x = 0.0, y = -4.0, z = 0.0}, model = "a_m_m_malibu_01", buyer = true},
{offset = {x = 2.5, y = -4.0, z = 0.0}, model = "a_m_m_hillbilly_02"},
{offset = {x = -2.5, y = -4.0, z = 0.0}, model = "a_m_m_rurmeth_01"},
veh_coords = vector4(-1449.62, -380.37, 37.79, 290.71),
vehicle = "stratum",
peds = {
{offset = {x = 0.0, y = -4.0, z = 0.0}, model = "a_m_m_golfer_01", buyer = true},
{offset = {x = 2.5, y = -4.0, z = 0.0}, model = "a_m_m_eastsa_01"},
{offset = {x = -2.5, y = -4.0, z = 0.0}, model = "a_m_m_eastsa_02"},
veh_coords = vector4(-320.82, -55.23, 53.95, 339.76),
vehicle = "primo",
peds = {
{offset = {x = 0.0, y = -4.0, z = 0.0}, model = "a_m_y_beachvesp_02", buyer = true},
{offset = {x = 2.5, y = -4.0, z = 0.0}, model = "a_m_y_cyclist_01"},
{offset = {x = -2.5, y = -4.0, z = 0.0}, model = "a_m_y_eastsa_01"},
cfg.Mole = {
Peds = {
junkie = {
["Joe"] = {model = "a_m_m_trampbeac_01", coords = vector4(-717.09, -905.32, 20.0, 63.43), price = 2500},
["Casey"] = {model = "a_m_y_hippy_01", coords = vector4(-364.35, -350.95, 31.56, 251.99), price = 2500},
["Jamie"] = {model = "a_m_y_methhead_01", coords = vector4(-1451.17, -579.44, 31.25, 213.6), price = 2500},
["Blake"] = {model = "a_m_o_genstreet_01", coords = vector4(-965.53, -1172.45, 2.15, 293.15), price = 2500},
["Drew"] = {model = "a_m_o_tramp_01", coords = vector4(776.65, -1194.67, 24.29, 72.89), price = 2500},
criminal = {
["Louis"] = {model = "a_m_m_soucent_04", coords = vector4(1141.28, -1657.09, 36.41, 34.49), price = 5000},
["Charlie"] = {model = "G_M_Y_PoloGoon_02", coords = vector4(152.34, -72.67, 71.86, 340.98), price = 5000},
["Noah"] = {model = "G_M_Y_PoloGoon_01", coords = vector4(-1590.74, -412.46, 43.06, 45.73), price = 5000},
["Morgan"] = {model = "G_M_M_CartelGoons_01", coords = vector4(-982.47, -270.98, 38.29, 223.28), price = 5000},
["Taylor"] = {model = "G_M_M_MaraGrande_01", coords = vector4(-280.89, 193.68, 85.56, 350.64), price = 5000},
professional = {
["Blackie"] = {model = "a_m_m_og_boss_01", coords = vector4(-26.96, -1531.43, 30.52, 314.79), price = 15000},
["Debony"] = {model = "G_M_Y_StrPunk_02", coords = vector4(332.55, -1990.2, 30.64, 42.54), price = 15000},
["Jordan"] = {model = "a_m_m_tourist_01", coords = vector4(-2005.01, -356.68, 26.1, 140.32), price = 15000},
["Riley"] = {model = "a_m_m_soucent_01", coords = vector4(-534.31, -2216.95, 6.39, 227.89), price = 15000},
["Alex"] = {model = "a_m_m_salton_02", coords = vector4(948.43, -2102.17, 30.67, 209.5), price = 15000},
Blips = {
junkie = {
normal = {
sprite = 280,
scale = 1.0,
color = 1,
alpha = 255,
shortRange = false,
name = "Junkie:"
radius = {
color = 1,
alpha = 55,
shortRange = false,
criminal = {
normal = {
sprite = 280,
scale = 1.0,
color = 26,
alpha = 255,
shortRange = false,
name = "Criminal:"
radius = {
color = 26,
alpha = 55,
shortRange = false,
professional = {
normal = {
sprite = 280,
scale = 1.0,
color = 2,
alpha = 255,
shortRange = false,
name = "Professional:"
radius = {
color = 2,
alpha = 55,
shortRange = false,
police = {
sprite = 137,
scale = 1.0,
color = 0,
alpha = 255,
shortRange = false,
name = "Last Seen Officer",
removeAfter = 10000
Range = {
junkie = 75.0,
criminal = 125.0,
professional = 200.0,
Respect = {
junkie = 0,
criminal = 1500,
professional = 6000,
Subscription = {
unit = "days", -- "minutes" or "hours" or "days" or "weeks"
count = 3,
cfg.Animations = {
dialog = {
["male"] = {
{dict = "anim@heists@heist_corona@team_idles@male_a", anim = "idle"},
{dict = "anim@mp_corona_idles@male_c@idle_a", anim = "idle_a"},
{dict = "anim@mp_corona_idles@male_d@idle_a", anim = "idle_a"},
["female"] = {
{dict = "anim@mp_corona_idles@female_b@idle_a", anim = "idle_a"},
{dict = "mp_move@prostitute@m@french", anim = "idle"},
{dict = "anim@heists@heist_corona@team_idles@female_a", anim = "idle"},
trade = {
{dict = "mp_common", anim = "givetake1_a", duration = 2000, swap = 1000},
{dict = "mp_ped_interaction", anim = "handshake_guy_a", duration = 3000, swap = 1500}
steal = {
{dict = "anim@amb@clubhouse@tutorial@bkr_tut_ig3@", anim = "machinic_loop_mechandplayer", duration = 2000},
putInTrunk = {
{dict = "anim@heists@narcotics@trash", anim = "throw_b", duration = 1000}
function dispatch(player, callingPed)
-- place your function here
function clientNotify(message, duration, style)
if GetResourceState("is_ui") == "started" then
exports["is_ui"]:Notify("Selling drugs", message, duration, style)
elseif GetResourceState("qb-core") == "started" then
TriggerEvent("QBCore:Notify", message, style, duration)
elseif GetResourceState("es_extended") == "started" then
TriggerEvent("esx:showNotification", message, style, duration)
print("No notifications detected, set them in config.lua")
function serverNotify(source, message, duration, style)
if GetResourceState("is_ui") == "started" then
TriggerClientEvent("is_ui:Notify", source, "Selling drugs", message, duration, style)
elseif GetResourceState("qb-core") == "started" then
TriggerClientEvent("QBCore:Notify", source, message, style, duration)
elseif GetResourceState("es_extended") == "started" then
TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", source, message, style, duration)
print("No notifications detected, set them in config.lua")
Last updated