Usage & Installation

Installation Guide

  1. Download is_lib, is_bridge and ox_lib, then upload these resources to your server.

  2. Go to is_lib/server/timezone.lua and adjust your time zone.

  3. Navigate to server.cfg and paste the following code above the resource start section:

# inside-scripts settings
setr is_bridge:language "en"
setr is_bridge:framework ""
setr is_bridge:inventory ""
setr is_bridge:fuel ""
setr is_bridge:keys ""
setr is_bridge:notification ""
setr is_bridge:progressbar ""
setr is_bridge:target ""
  1. In the place of "", you should insert the script name exactly as it appears in Compatibility.

  2. The script startup order should be as follows:

ensure ox_lib
ensure is_lib
ensure our_standalone_scripts
ensure your_framework
ensure framework_additional_resources
ensure our_framework_scripts

If you skipped steps 3 and 4 or the resource you referenced in server.cfg was not found, is_bridge will automatically search for the resource you are using.

For is_bridge to function correctly and locate your resource, make sure it retains the original name set by the script's author


To use is_lib, simply use our export in your script. It works on both the Client and Server side:

Lib = exports["is_lib"]:GetLibObject()

As for is_bridge, just import it into your script in the fxmanifest.lua file:

shared_script '@is_bridge/init.lua'

Last updated