
You can check out default config

cfg = {}

-- Icons List

cfg.ProgressBar  = {
	default = {
		icon = "fa-solid fa-user",
		useWhileDead = false,
		canCancel = false,
		disable = {
			move = false,
			car = false,
			combat = false,
			mouse = false,
			sprint = false,

cfg.Notification = {
	default = {
		duration = 5000,
		style = "info"
	Position = "left-center",
	-- left-top / left-center / left-down 
	-- top-left / top-center / top-right / 
	-- right-top / right-center / right-bottom 
	-- bottom-left / bottom-center / bottom-right
	Style = {
		["info"] = {
			icon = "fa-solid fa-lightbulb",
			primaryColor = "#0094E8",
			backgroundIcon = { from = "#0094E8", to = "#0D447B" },
			sound = { play = true, type = "notifySound6", volume = 5 }
		["success"] = {
			icon = "fa-regular fa-thumbs-up",
			primaryColor = "#32DE84",
			backgroundIcon = { from = "#32DE84", to = "#19B463" },
			sound = { play = true, type = "notifySound6", volume = 5 }
		["error"] = {
			icon = "fa-regular fa-thumbs-down",
			primaryColor = "#E62020",
			backgroundIcon = { from = "#E62020", to = "#940909" },
			sound = { play = true, type = "notifySound6", volume = 5 }
		["money-income"] = {
			icon = "fa-solid fa-sack-dollar",
			primaryColor = "#3FD7AE",
			backgroundIcon = { from = "#3FD7AE", to = "#2B9679" },
			sound = { play = true, type = "notifySound6", volume = 5 }
		["money-outcome"] = {
			icon = "fa-solid fa-sack-dollar",
			primaryColor = "#FF425D",
			backgroundIcon = { from = "#FC3955", to = "#861A20" },
			sound = { play = true, type = "notifySound6", volume = 5 }

Last updated