
About Us

Inside-Script, a team of two developers, has been crafting scripts for FiveM for five years. We focus on innovative, high-quality scripts compatible across FiveM's diverse landscape, from basic job scripts to complex narrative missions with NUI interactions and custom models.

Terms of Service

Unauthorized use or distribution of Inside-Script's resources, both free and paid, is strictly forbidden. Users are accountable for the proper use of scripts and associated tokens.

Violations will result in:

  1. Banning of the involved account and email from Inside-Script’s platform.

  2. Discord account ban from Inside-Script’s community.

  3. No refunds for revoked or banned assets.

  4. DMCA notices to any involved Discord servers or hosting services, likely leading to their shutdown.

  5. Reporting to the FiveM administration for servers using leaked scripts.

At Inside-Script, our priority is to innovate and provide exceptional scripts and support to the FiveM community. We dedicate our time to development and customer support rather than combating script leaks.


Our support includes detailed documentation and installation guides. We assist our customers and confirmed developers through our Discord channel via ticket-based support. We expect basic Lua coding knowledge from our customers.

Last updated